Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Letter To My Parents

Dear mom and dad,

There are some things I've always wanted to say, but never been sure how to say them. I am now at a point in my life where I need to express this so that whatever happens to me in the future, you know what is inside my heart.

Daddy. I know you struggle with affection. It is difficult to give what you never received. You've always shown your love in other ways. If I had to describe your method of affection in one word it would be 'opportunity'. No matter what financial situation our family finds ourselves in, you never fail to make a plan in order to let me experience every opportunity that comes my way. Through these opportunities, I have learnt so much about myself and gained priceless knowledge. I want to thank you for these indirect lessons you have provided me with.

My trip to Thailand gave me such a greater understanding of my spiritual side. It also opened up my eyes to a culture so selfless, that it made me want to change my approach to people who differ from me. Since then, I feel more accepting, more open to diversity and appreciative of a simple life.

You helped me on my journey to America, and even though it did not work out the way we all intended, that trip taught me tolerance. Although my emotional strength was tested, I also learnt to stand up for my beliefs and morals no matter what. And that is something I have never let go of.

When Christopher and I decided upon our spontaneous trip to London, you never once doubted that you would make it happen for me, because the opportunity was well timed, and I know you had faith in me to make the most of our experiences, which we did. Without question, you made that possible and I am so grateful for your part in that, because I learnt the best lesson of all there - I learnt that I had met an exceptionally special person who stood by me through all the stressful times in London and would tolerate my dramatic episodes! And if you didn't give me that opportunity, I may never have met this person. I know you only want the best for me dad, and you played your part in helping me find that.

Mom. You have been my best friend through all of the emotional journeys that I have been on over the years. I have never met anyone who is as generous, giving and supportive as you are. No matter what has happened, you stand there waiting with open arms, ready to drop anything and everything to comfort me, reassure me, and hold my hand through the painful times.

You constantly consider me and still want to do everything you humanly can to help me, even if it is inconvenient for you, because you truly live your life for us children. And I hope you know that I appreciate every single thing you have done for me and continue to do. I am aware that not many people have the overwhelming support from their mother as you give, and I don't know if I would be who I am today without you. You have contributed greatly in forming the woman I've become.

You are so emotionally close to me that you even carry part of my burdens on your shoulders, and I am sorry for that. Sometimes it is difficult to remember that when I confide in you, you pick up some of that pressure to lighten my load. Although I am grateful, I don't ever wish to add more stress to your life, as you have helped me more than enough.

I can't imagine my life without your mental and emotional guidance. It is all the little things you do, and you know what they are. You really inspire me to be a better person, and I am in awe of your ability to be so selfless with anyone that crosses your path.

As I enter this new phase of my life, and new experiences await me, I want to let you both know that I am so thankful that you are both here to help me along the way. I may not let you know enough, but I love you both very much.


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